Adding User Accounts
Any good software needs great users, and that's you and your team members! Let's get everyone on board and ready to use Bambi to max. Create a profile for new team members and set their type permissions.
- Navigate to “Accounts” on the Team Sub-Menu and Tap the green “Add a Member” button on the top right of the navigation.
- Choose Type of User:
- Admin: access to everything.
- Dispatcher: access to everything except user permissions and organizational settings.
- Associate (Drivers & Attendants): can only work assignments and complete trips.
- Facility Admin: can request trips, view passengers and edit settings for a specific Facility Ride Ordering Portal.
- Facility User: can only view passenger and trip status for a specific Facility Ride Ordering Portal.
- Select Payer Facility Required (or Multiple)
- Restricted Support: Minimal viewing permissions.
- Complete User Information: Name, Phone Number and Email Address
- Tap "Save": An Email will be sent to the user to confirm their access.
Note: Facility Admins and Users are Required to Associate Payers / Facility with each Members to provide access to Facility Ride Ordering Portal
Adding Drivers & Attendants
- Add A Driver Profile: Tap on the Drivers Tab on the 'Teams' Sub-Menu to add or edit driver profile informaiton.
NOTE: Drivers must have a member account setup before being added as a Driver.
- Add Attendant: Tap on the Attendants Tab on the 'Teams' Sub-Menu to add or edit driver profile information.
NOTE: Attendants must have a member account setup before being added as a Driver.
If you have questions at any time email: