2.3 Setting up User  Accounts

Quick Start Guide

Adding User Accounts

Any good software needs great users, and that's you and your team members! Let's get everyone on board and ready to use Bambi to max. Create a profile for new team members and set their type permissions.

  • Navigate to “Accounts” on the Team Sub-Menu and Tap the green “Add a Member” button on the top right of the navigation.
  • Choose Type of User:
    • Admin: access to everything.
    • Dispatcher: access to everything except user permissions and organizational settings.
    • Associate (Drivers & Attendants): can only work assignments and complete trips.
    • Facility Admin: can request trips, view passengers and edit settings for a specific Facility Ride Ordering Portal.
    • Facility User: can only view passenger and trip status for a specific Facility Ride Ordering Portal.
      • Select Payer Facility Required (or Multiple)
    • Restricted Support: Minimal viewing permissions.
  • Complete User Information: Name, Phone Number and Email Address
  • Tap "Save": An Email will be sent to the user to confirm their access.

Note: Facility Admins and Users are Required to Associate Payers / Facility with each Members to provide access to Facility Ride Ordering Portal

Adding Drivers & Attendants

  1. Add A Driver Profile: Tap on the Drivers Tab on the 'Teams' Sub-Menu to add or edit driver profile informaiton.

NOTE: Drivers must have a member account setup before being added as a Driver.

  1. Add Attendant: Tap on the Attendants Tab on the 'Teams' Sub-Menu to add or edit driver profile information.

NOTE: Attendants must have a member account setup before being added as a Driver.

If you have questions at any time email: contact@bambi.health.