2.4 Adding Payers

Quick Start Guide

We need some people to pay for all the hard work you and your team are doing. Let's set them up and customize their pricing schemes to optimize your operations.

Step 1: Payers: Navigate on the top navigation menu to 'Payers'.

  1. Add a Payer: Create a Payer profile by tapping 'Add a Payer' in the top right
    1. Display Name
    2. Payer Type
      1. Broker: NEMT Broker
      2. Insurance
      3. Private/Invoice: Private pay contract or invidivual.
    3. Active Payer

NOTE: Payers must have a payer profile before a pricing scheme can be assigned to them.

Step 2: Billing Information

  1. Contact Name
  2. Billing Address
  3. Billing Phone Number
  4. Billing Email
  5. Invoice due After (days)
  6. Payment Methods
    1. Add Credit Card

NOTE: Credit Card will require credit card nubmer, expiration date, security code and billing address.

Step 3: Payer Specific Settings

NOTE: If not specified, this payer will use organizational defaults.

If you have questions at any time email: contact@bambi.health.