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How can Bambi’s software benefit my business?

How can a driver create a login?

Either an Owner or Admin must create a user profile first in the Bambi Platform (click link). Navigate to the “Teams” section and sub-menu “Accounts” to set up a user profile. VIsit Create a User Account to learn more.

How do I reset my password?

Navigate to the Reset Password Link if you or a team member has forgotten their authentication credentials. Tap “Forgot Password”.

Enter Username and Tap “Reset my password” NOTE: Your username is the email the Owner or Admin used to set up the user account.
Check email from Bambi for reset code and put into ‘Code” field. NOTE: Password reset email will be from no-reply@hibambi.com.
Please add this address to your contacts or check the spam folder if you can not find the response.
Enter New Password and confirm New Password. Note: New Passwords must follow these requirements:
Password must contain a lower case letter
Password must contain an upper case letter
Password must contain a number
Password must contain at least 12 character
Passwords must not contain a leading or training space.
Click “Change Password”
Recommendation: Save your “New Password” offline in an accessible place to make it easy to remember!

Is location always shared in the Driver App?
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Location is shared when location settings are set to share, and when the user is clocked into a shift on the Driver App. Visit the Bambi Driver App Overview to learn more.

How can I download the Driver App?
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The driver app can be downloaded on both iOS (click link) and Android (click link). Visit the Bambi Driver App Overview to learn more.

Can a driver cancel a trip?
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If the account’s organization settings are set to allow drivers to cancel trips then yes, a driver can.

Navigate to the top right corner of the Bambi Platform and select “Setting” from the dropdown menu after clicking on the account and username.
Scroll down to the “Permissions” section and Select “Allow drivers to cancel trips”
Visit Organizational Settings to learn more.